I might be telling on myself with the types of videos that get pushed to my FYP (for you page) but daily I come across airplane videos where passengers seem to be losing their minds. Some will blame it on the pandemic and not being able to freely travel like they used to but I blame home training. The No-Fly list is growing longer and longer every day.

Maybe it’s because now more people are traveling than ever before. Or maybe it’s because there are more airline options and air travel is more accessible now than it has been in years. I don’t know what the exact answer is but I have a few thoughts.
Flight attendants are starting to be more vocal about the abuse they sometimes receive. Also it should be noted that they don’t get paid when the door to the airplane is open. So all of that time to load and unload the plane they aren’t getting paid, which is CRAZY to me. So please give your flight crew some grace while aboard, and maybe a coffee shop gift card or two. It’s the little things that go a long way. Ten years ago people were afraid to do anything that would cause them to be placed on the “No-Fly list.” If things really got heated they would end up having to deal with the federal authorities since that is who “controls” the friendly skies. There have been more videos showing people having to be strapped into their seats while the plane diverts from their original flight plan. This is an unnecessary stress for the flight crew and the other passengers.
Today, aside from the space between seats getting smaller for profit, people are just rude and seem to feel more entitled. Yes, airline travel is a luxury and a privilege, not a right, but from what I’ve seen people are starting to not to care as much about their fellow passengers. I honestly don’t know if another situation like Flight 93 were to happen if we would have the same result. Call it the self-obsessed era, or the main character era but we as a society have become less selfless. Empathy used to be as common as sense but both have been in a major decline over the years.
Armrests… for a middle seat passenger the armrests are everything. It's the only real bit of “comfort” you can enjoy as long as your seat mates are on the same page. The window passenger gets the window and that armrest by the window, and the aisle passenger gets that armrest at the end of the row. That was supposed to be the unwritten agreement when traveling. But when you shrink seat sizes and have some passengers who insist on manspreading, the middle passenger is left with a peanut's worth of space. God forbid the passenger in front of you wants to recline. For the sake of a comfortable experience for everyone please give the middle passenger BOTH armrests.
To recline or not to recline, that is the question. Again I believe this has become more of a thing in recent years because of the reduction of space between the seats. While I agree that every passenger has the right to comfort, no matter what class you’re in a common courtesy would be to ask, or just let the person behind you know that you’re going back. And maybe, just maybe don’t recline ALL the way. I am 6'2" and the majority of my height is in my legs. So I HATE anytime someone reclines, but again it’s their right. But if I am in pain and truly cannot move in my seat I will ask the person or the flight attendant depending on the situation.
I know most people will say book a seat in the exit row, the bulkhead, or even business or first. And while those are my first options typically because those seats are few and far between they are the first ones to go. Height is a gift and a curse and when it comes to air travel you have to pay to travel in comfort. But even in the non-cheap seats sometimes you encounter one of “those” passengers. You know what I mean the person who is a card-carrying member of that particular airline and believes that everyone on board works for them. Even Mike Tyson had to deal with an unruly passenger on a flight, and he’s the champ, do you know how crazy you have to be to hit Mike Tyson.

My wish is with some of these new planes that are being built and even some of the older ones that are being refurbished more room is added. Yes, it’ll cut into profits a bit but, the airlines aren’t hurting for money, even the cheap ones who nickel and dime you to death. But with more space and comfort, I believe people will just behave better like they have some home training… well one can dream. While I know air travel can be stressful and hectic, common courtesy goes a long way and I guarantee it will help with your stress and make your traveling experience much more enjoyable. See you in the sometimes friendly skies.